I am a doctoral candidate/ scientific assistant in the field of infrastructure management in the chair of Infrastructure Management at ETH Zürich. I have graduated with an MSc. in railway transportation engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran with a focus on railway operations management in 2019. Before joining the Chair of Infrastructure Management, I collected experience in applications of operations research in the railway industry during the Master’s program in Transportation Systems and Logistics (TSL) research lab where I had the chance to work on a national-wise project funded by Iranian National Railway Company (RAI) in order to increase the efficiency of mineral cargo transportation. Also, after graduation, I worked in RailPardaz Seir company. Now, the focus of my research is to determining optimal intervention program for the railway networks with a close collaboration with Swiss Federal Railways (SBB).
Dr. Sc. ETH Zurich in Civil engineering, 2020 - present
ETH Zürich
MSc. in Railway transportation engineering, 2019
Iran university of science and technology
BSc. in Industrial engineering, 2015
Ferdowsi university of Mashhad
Responsibilities include:
Bridge managers need to generate a complete overview of required interventions, possession windows and the likely costs 10-20 years ahead of execution. These, even if approximate, help ensure stable train schedules. With the increasing amount of available data and the increasing desire to exploit digitalisation to improve decision-making…
Should you wish to contact me, please do not hesitate to reach out.