Determine objective function and classify assets

Estimation of financial needs and condition of infrastructure assets

Hamed Mehranfar
Yushu An


Infrastructure management

The process used to ensure that existing infrastructure (assets and/or networks) provide adequate levels of service for specified periods of time.

To understand why the infrastructure is the way it is today, we want to know:

  • How many trains operate on the network? How frequent is the service?

  • How many passengers travel on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis? Why?

  • How many people or businesses are near the infrastructure?

  • When was the infrastructure built and/or modified in the past?

Objective function

What are we optimising?

To be clear what you are trying to achieve:

  1. Identify what is important

  2. Place values on what is important

  3. Estimate how your planned interventions improve the situation, when compared with what would otherwise happen

ASTRA - Vision statement

The vision contains the picture of the future in 2040, on which ASTRA will base its future strategic decisions.

The vision presents general directions of anticipated development that are helpful in determining strategies.

The vision is not intended to be complete.

ASTRA - Mission statement

The mission presents how ASTRA understands its official mandate, its self-image as an institution, its customer orientation, and its ideas on internal cooperation.

The mission serves as an orientation for employees and customers as to what ASTRA stands for.

ASTRA - Guiding principles

The strategic guiding principles set out fundamental and overarching objectives of the agency with regard to private transport, the Swiss transport system in general and the national road in particular.

ASTRA - Goals and constraints

  • The goals for the individual topics define what ASTRA would like to have achieved by the year 2030.
  • The goals are based on the “Vision 2040” and ensure that the formulated direction is taken into account.
  • The goals are not intended to correspond to the actual state, but to represent a challenge for ASTRA and the employees.

ASTRA - Goals and constraints wrt. people

  • Data protection meets the requirements of society.

  • Driver licensing corresponds to current technical possibilities.

  • No more than 100 traffic fatalities and 2,500 serious injuries per year on all roads.

  • No more than 25 fatalities and 500 serious injuries in slow traffic per year.

  • The population perceives the road as attractive and safe.

  • Access to personal vehicles is guaranteed for all.

ASTRA - Goals and constraints wrt. infrastructure

  • The number of annual congestion hours on the national roads will be reduced by a quarter compared to 2015.

  • On at least 95% of the national road network, the structural condition of the infrastructure meets ASTRA’s standard.

  • The national road network defined on 21 June 1960 will be completed.

  • 60% of the capacity expansion projects in the 2030 plan are at least in the execution project phase, and the capacity expansions projects in the 2040 plan are at least in the project planning phase.

  • The intelligence (route equipment) of the national road corresponds to what is necessary.

  • The standards for construction, maintenance and operation of the national road ensure high cost efficiency.

Stakeholders and value framework

Stakeholders and value framework

Stakeholder group Definition Impact type
Owners Persons who pay for the interventions on the infrastructure Intervention
Users Persons who are using the roads Travel time
Directly affected public Persons who are in the vicinity of the road but are not using it Noise
Indirectly affected public Persons who are not in the vicinity of the road but are affected by its use Particle emissions

Next steps

  • This week:
    • Describe the background information of infrastructure (asset past, present, and future)
    • Determine objective function
      • Who is affected by intervention (stakeholders)?
      • What is important to them (goals and constraints)?
      • How do you quantify their values?
    • Classify the assets
  • Next week:
    • Define condition classes and model deterioration

Thank you for your attention!


Hamed Mehranfar
Doctoral student

ETH Zürich
Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management (IBI)
Chair of Infrastructure Management
HIL G 32.2, Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich