Define possible interventions and strategies

Estimation of financial needs and condition of infrastructure assets

Hamed Mehranfar
Yushu An


What type of interventions are we talking about?

Maintenance interventions

  • All activities that help to ensure that an object provides the level of service for which it was constructed.
    • Routine maintenance interventions
    • Rehabilitation interventions
    • Renovation interventions

Development interventions

  • All activities that help to ensure that an object provides a new level of service.
    • Adaptation interventions
    • Transformation interventions
    • Expansion interventions

Intervention strategies and intervention programs

Intervention strategies

  • Include all interventions to be executed on an item taking into consideration of all possible conditions of the item
  • Are developed without consideration of other sub-items, items or super-items

Intervention programs

  • Include the interventions to be executed on items taking into consideration the specific conditions of the items
  • Are developed with or without consideration of the other sub-items, items, or super-items
  • The interventions on an item include all interventions on the sub-items of the item.
  • The conditions of the item include the conditions of the sub-items of the item.

Intervention strategies example

Bridge type CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5
Reinforced concrete Do nothing Do nothing Do nothing Rehabilitation Replacement
Pre-stressed concrete Do nothing Do nothing Do nothing Rehabilitation Replacement
Masonry Do nothing Do nothing Do nothing Rehabilitation Replacement
Composite Do nothing Do nothing Rehabilitation Renewal Replacement
Metal Do nothing Do nothing Rehabilitation Renewal Replacement

Introduction – Which processes do you want to consider?

Intervention Description of activities
Do nothing -
Rehabilitation - Replacement of waterproofing
- Restoration of parts of drainage system
- Improvement or replacement of construction joints
- Repair of the reinforced concrete
- Renewal of any finishing
Renewal - Strengthening of one or more structural elements
- Renewal of the drainage system
Replacement - Replacement of part or all of the structure

Interventions in relation to condition state

CS General description General description of damage Values of damage indicators
1 Good None/Insignificant Concrete elements: Small superficial cracks, no indication of corrosion, no or few humid zones
Bearings: No indication of corrosion or damage
2 Acceptable Minor Concrete elements: Small cracks due to the corrosion of the reinforcement, some rust spots, some humid zones but no leaching of the concrete
Bearings: Some indication of corrosion or damage
3 Damaged Significant Concrete elements: Some calcium deposits along concrete cracks, some spalling of concrete with less than 10% of reinforcement exposed, insignificant loss of cross section area of the reinforcement, humid zones with leaching of the concrete
Bearings: Medium amount of corrosion and damage
4 Poor Extensive Concrete elements: Significant calcium deposits along concrete cracks, spalling of concrete with less than 25% of exposed reinforcement, occurrence of pitting corrosion, large humid zones with leaching of concrete
Bearings: Significant corrosion, including corroded support plates and anchoring connections
5 Alarming Safety is endangered Concrete elements: Extensive spalling of concrete with more than 25% of exposed reinforcement, significant loss of cross sectional area of the reinforcement, advanced pitting corrosion occurring, large humid zones with leaching of concrete
Bearings: Advanced corrosion, seized bearings, anchoring connections heavily deteriorated

Connect interventions and states to service

CS Intervention Effectiveness vectors Maintenance costs Travel time costs Accident costs
1 2 3 4 5 \(mu/m^2\) \(mu/m^2\) \(mu/m^2\)
1 Do nothing Same as the deterioration trans. probs. 0 0 0
2 Do nothing Same as the deterioration trans. probs. 10 0 0
3 Do nothing Same as the deterioration trans. probs. 50 0 0
Rehabilitation 0.8 0.2 0 0 0 500 1’000 40
Replacement 1 0 0 0 0 3’500 3’000 10
4 Do nothing Same as the deterioration trans. probs. 100 100 50
Rehabilitation 0.75 0.25 0 0 0 550 1’100 45
Replacement 1 0 0 0 0 3’500 3’000 10
5 Do nothing Same as the deterioration trans. probs. 500 500 100
Rehabilitation 0.6 0.4 0 0 0 750 1500 75
Replacement 1 0 0 0 0 3’500 3’000 10

How to evaluate possible maintenance intervention strategies

flowchart TB
    step1[<font size=2>Step 1: Estimate the state of each object at t=0]
    step2[<font size=2>Step 2: Determine the maintenance intervention strategy]
    step3[<font size=2>Step 3: Determine the steady state probabilities]
    step4[<font size=2>Step 4: Determine the costs associated with the steady state]
    step5[<font size=2>Step 5: Generate the view of condition and costs over time]
    step6[<font size=2>Step 6: Repeat steps 2-5 for all strategies]
    step7[<font size=2>Step 7: Compare results with goals and constraints]

    step1 --> step2
    step2 --> step3
    step3 --> step4
    step4 --> step5
    step5 --> step6
    step6 --> step7

Next steps

  • Today:
    • Determine at least two possible interventions
    • Estimate intervention cost

  • Next step:
    • Determine optimal intervention strategy (if there is enough time)
    • Mid-term presentation practice

Thank you for your attention!


Hamed Mehranfar
Doctoral student

ETH Zürich
Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management (IBI)
Chair of Infrastructure Management
HIL G 32.2, Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich