Supervising theses and projects

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I have had a chance to supervise multiple Bachelor and Master theses as well as Master projects. Here is the detailed list of the theses and projects that I was involved in:

Bachelor theses:

Name, Title of the thesis, Major

Spring semester 2022:

  • Maksim Borovlev, Estimation of financial needs and condition of level crossings in the SZU railway network, Civil Engineering
  • Cyrill Habegger, Estimation of financial needs and condition of bridges in the SZU railway network, Civil Engineering
  • Elisabetta Job, Estimation of financial needs and condition of retaining walls in the SZU railway network, Civil Engineering
  • Emma Livio, Estimation of financial needs and condition of tracks and switches in the SZU railway network, Civil Engineering
  • Yannick Schwizer, Estimation of financial needs and condition of tunnels in the SZU railway network, Civil Engineering
  • Jonathan Wilp, Estimation of financial needs and condition of culverts in the SZU railway network, Civil Engineering
  • Master projects:

    Name, Title of the thesis, Major

    Spring semester 2022:

  • Magnus List, Planning and evaluation of interventions on SBB bridges considering the deterioration behaviour of the components, Construction and Maintenance Management
  • Jonas Imfeld, Predicting future interventions on SBB track sections considering the behavior of components and the associated risks, Construction and Maintenance Management
  • Autumn semester 2022:

  • Maria Hernandez, Connecting intervention predictions of SBB railway tracks to BIM, Geotechnical Engineering
  • Spring semester 2023:

  • Sebastian Harder, Establishing the type and exactness of information to be communicated between intervention planners and train schedulers in the SBB intervention planning process, Transport Systems
  • Autumn semester 2023:

  • Céline Hofer, Estimate probability of road asset failure using fault tree analysis: ASTRA tunnel "Tunnel du flonzaley", Structural Engineering
  • Ellen Fulton, Estimate probability of road asset failure using fault tree analysis: ASTRA bridge "pont sur la mèbre", Structural Engineering
  • Annina Wehrli, Estimate probability of road asset failure using fault tree analysis: ASTRA bridge "pont sur la pétause", Structural Engineering
  • Pascal Oswald, Estimating future interventions on the ASTRA bridge "pont sur la mèbre" using probabilistic discrete modelling and Monte Carlo simulations, Structural Engineering
  • Master theses:

    Name, Title of the thesis, Major

    Spring semester 2022:

  • Alex Albertini, Planning of component-level intervention on SBB bridges considering gradual and sudden events, Structural Engineering
  • Josia Meier,An operations research model to determine SZU railway infrastructure intervention programmes considering all assets and their interconnectivity, Spatial Develelopment & Infrastracture Systems Engineering
  • Autumn semester 2022:

  • Andreas Stolz, Connecting the future predictions for SBB bridges to BIM , Civil Engineering (TU Münschen)
  • Spring semester 2023:

  • Ramona Hasler, Predicting future interventions on the ASTRA bridge "pont sur la paudèze" using monte carlo simulations, Construction and Maintenance Management
  • Lukas Klingenbeck, Estimate the probability of road asset failure using fault tree analysis: A case study of ASTRA bridge "pont sur la paudèze", Structural Engineering
  • Patrick Walz, Predicting future inteverventions on the ASTRA bridge "pont sur la lutrive" using monte carlo simulations, Structural Engineering
  • Erik Huo, Integrated planning of highway interventions between Lausanne and Vevey , Spatial Develelopment & Infrastracture Systems Engineering
  • Ghent Elsani, Connecting the future predictions for SBB bridges to BIM , Civil Engineering (TU Münschen)
  • Autumn semester 2023:

  • Emma Zeindl, Connecting the future predictions for SBB bridges to BIM, Spatial Develelopment & Infrastracture Systems Engineering
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